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1st March 2012
Picture added on 30 March 2012 at 16:05
Added by Chris Shearer on 30 March 2012
The Summer Rose "parked" in the grass gives it away - Pierowall, Westray.
Anonymous comment added on 30 March 2012
Pierowall Westray, from an unusual angle, "reapimg" the non-benefits of junk!
Anonymous comment added on 30 March 2012
looking along the village front in Westray
Added by John Foulis on 31 March 2012
Pierowall Westray from the slipway at Saverton
Anonymous comment added on 31 March 2012
Home, sweet home
Added by Malcolm on 31 March 2012
Saverton the birth place of my wife Catherine Rendall built if I remember correctly by her grandfather.
Added by Billy Cardno on 01 April 2012
Summer Rose, very boring! we played in the Jondras -far more fun and no doubt quite dangerous given the state o' her. no doubt here's photos o' her on here.
A lot o' changes through the village in the following, ahem, 30++ years
A lot o' changes through the village in the following, ahem, 30++ years
Added by Malcolm on 01 April 2012
my wife thinks im mistaken maybe her great great grandfather
Added by Billy Cardno on 01 April 2012
Does anyone know why this useful slip has become a mini scrapyard ?
Added by Rob Thomson on 03 April 2012
We were just taking pictures in geography and I thought it looked like it might be an interesting shot and yes, it's Pierowall in Westray
Added by Hannah Booth on 10 April 2012
Saverton, the birth place of my mother, Marian Rendall, the elder step-sister of Catherine, Billy Cardno's wife.
Added by Brian Elliott on 22 October 2012
Malcolm you mentioned a boat called the "Jondras" didna ken that was the way she was spelt. When I was quite young the "Johndras" fished aroond here wae smaa lines for dog fish or "dogs" as they were refered to here, does anyane mind her? I think she was owned by Jimmy Newlands and he maybe bought fish fae some anes who worked lines up in the north bay here in Hoy.
Miby Jacko Leslie and Bob Scott "wrought" whae a boat called the "Trust" at the same fishery.
How come there were so much o them "Dogs up the bay at that time?.
Miby Jimmy Hamilton can comment on this. Ikee and Jockie Waters fae the Binks fished wae the "Tarter" and landed big catches, What happened? did they get fished up or did the fish jist move oot? and what were the "Dogs feeding on up there? Sillocks??.
Answers to all these questions please by return!!.
Miby Jacko Leslie and Bob Scott "wrought" whae a boat called the "Trust" at the same fishery.
How come there were so much o them "Dogs up the bay at that time?.
Miby Jimmy Hamilton can comment on this. Ikee and Jockie Waters fae the Binks fished wae the "Tarter" and landed big catches, What happened? did they get fished up or did the fish jist move oot? and what were the "Dogs feeding on up there? Sillocks??.
Answers to all these questions please by return!!.
Added by John Budge on 25 October 2012
Ah yes, fun days, fishing dogs wi Jock. My abiding memory is seeing the Johndras (Chondras) coming oot of thick fog to pick up Jocks catch.
Added by W Watters on 31 October 2012
Jimmy Newlands had a boat called the Chondrus...he had her about 1957 or 58 sort o time.. theres a pic o her on this site at Kirkwall harbour...He towed them old wooden float things fae Lyness to Scapa, for Bill Squeek, and think she went back to the fishing later on..
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 31 October 2012
regarding the dogfish.. John, there were a lot right enough, mibbee we killed them aff in the 50s. Wir creels along the Crockness shore hid dogs in them every time we hauled, lots o wee octopus in them days too, winder did they disappear too..
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 31 October 2012
Ikee Watters had a briliant mind and clever hands tae go wae hid. I mind him making a tool tae get the dogs off the hook as I understand a shark fish of which the dog is a member will take the bait and hook all the way doon tae its gutt and sometimes they had tae cut the snudd tae get the fish. Ikee's invention worked well as I understand.
Can you mind the bent rod I speak o Willie?.
I also mind Jockie saying when he was a peedie boy his faither Wullie made a gerdin all of his own and Jockie set lines on the beach below the "Binks". The Dogs he got on his lines he put in his gerdin and he said he grew the biggest lettuce and cabbage you ever saw!!.
Can you mind the bent rod I speak o Willie?.
I also mind Jockie saying when he was a peedie boy his faither Wullie made a gerdin all of his own and Jockie set lines on the beach below the "Binks". The Dogs he got on his lines he put in his gerdin and he said he grew the biggest lettuce and cabbage you ever saw!!.
Added by John Budge on 04 November 2012
I remember when I was on holiday in Longhope as a young boy in the mid fifties, there was a massive shoal of dogfish around the pier. I caught several of them and left them in a hollow at the top of the pier. Being a hot summer they soon started to smell and I got a real telling off from the Groats as customers were complaining about the smell and was asked to kindly remove them. They were great days though!!
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Added by Neil Johnstone on 06 November 2012