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The good repair-job, picture #26180, showing SS Hastings County aground on Auskerry, reminded me that I had slides of what remained of her in May 1993, on my first visit to that island. Probably even less now.
Picture added on 23 February 2012 at 10:12
This shows the power o' the sea, tae take an engine tae bits and even bend a con rod o' that thickness.. I fear for the life o' some o the wave power thingy's they are playing aboot wae at present..
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 23 February 2012
was it scrapped on the rocks or did it just break up ?
Added by John Wells on 23 February 2012
Seems to have broken up naturally over a period of months. There are several references to her on the net.
Added by Ian Hourston on 23 February 2012
Hastings County, a 2559-ton Norwegian steam-ship ran aground on Auskerry in thick fog on the 13th June 1926, while sailing between Hamburg and Montreal. On board was a crew of forty and a cargo including toys, rum and two motor launches. The crew were all rescued, thirty-one of them on board the Stromness lifeboat. The calm weather conditions in the following weeks allowed most of the cargo to be salvaged. In late September of the same year, the wreck caught fire (it is thought this was as a result of the wet coal spontaneously combusting), and broke up completely in a gale early that November.
Added by Laurence JE Tait on 07 April 2012