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Ref. picture #26101 - detail from the Harry Berry painting entitled 'Pentland Firth Pilot'
Picture added on 22 February 2012 at 15:28
Harry was the Customs officer at Lyness when I was a youngster... his Office was up on the bank at the head o' the North Pier, and I have a feeling it ended up at the head o' the road, as you turn doon to Crockness..maybe there yet...
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 23 February 2012
A right fine man and none of us will forget him. Can still see Harry airing the big bass in front of the fire at the YM before going up on stage to join Jennie and Mrs Walls.
Added by Beryl Simpson on 23 February 2012
The shed was at the top of the road to Rennigal and you can just make out the word Customs on it. (6 years ago)
Added by W Watters on 23 February 2012
A good picture of a Dipping Lug Sail.
How many are in use today?
I assume it that it is reefed, looking at the top of the mast.
How many are in use today?
I assume it that it is reefed, looking at the top of the mast.
Added by Anonymous on 24 February 2012
I am looking for one of Harry Berry's plaster wall plates. The one of the old Hoy Head. I managed to get one of the Watchful in a charity shop in Tain and would like the Hoy Head to complete the set as I am doing an Okney/seaside bathroom.If anyone has one they will sell me or knows anyone who has one Please Email me, I will pay a fair price for one in good condition.
Added by Elaine Sutherland (Allen) on 24 March 2013
Try here Elaine for I saw a couple of Harry's wall plates at the Curiosity Shop, 33 Broad Street, Kirkwall KW15 1DH T: 0185677268 don't know if Lynn Laughton that owns the place would be aware of it being a Harry Berry plate but see how you get on.
Added by Beryl Simpson on 27 March 2013
Thanks very much Beryl, I will give them a try and I will ask my friends Sue and Lesley to keep a look out in the shop for me when they go over to Kirkwall.
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Added by Elaine Sutherland (Allen) on 01 April 2013
When I was a bairn Harry painted the backdrops for shows in the hall and then started making wall plaques from plaster and on and on he went to produce hundreds of paintings the like of which you see here.
Harry lost his family in the Blitz in the east end of London and came to Hoy as the Admirals Batman and married a local woman, and as far as I am aware never went back to London again.
Harry had a great way with us youngsters, he had us helping at shows in the hall and tidying and painting the place out, he was far ahead of the way now being done where if you helped to decorate the place no way were you going to damage the place or indeed let anyone else do mischief to it.
Fantastic guy and he was aye telling us peedie stories of his time in the Navy just what young anes liked tae hear. He had indeed led a full life.