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Warship headan to Lyness most likely for bunkers, The experts tell me this is possibly HMS ASHANTI. - 1972
Picture added on 15 February 2012 at 20:18
This could be HMS Intrepid that was in the flow on a naval exersise arond 1972/3 my family got invited to a party on board her as the navy used our land as part of the exercise, I was around 14 at the time and it was a very grown up do, all the handsome young sailors serving drinks and snacks to everyone. I have since met one of those sailors who was working as a steward at that party and remembers it well!
Added by Elaine Sutherland (Allen) on 13 March 2012
Definately a tribal class destroyer I would say, so probably is " Ashanti"
Added by Fred Johnston on 14 March 2012
I'm not very into navy ships, but dont think this is Intrepid, but someone will know for sure..
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 14 March 2012
Its definitely the Ashanti, I got this picture from Betty. But she gave me another one the other day that has a better and clearer view of her number. F117.
Added by Allan Besant on 15 March 2012
Def. HMS Ashanti, I was on her, we were on our way to Faslane to resupply before deploying to Iceland (Cod War)
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Anonymous comment added on 25 February 2016