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On the back it says 'Martin, Rusty, Pottie, Heppy, Nobley'.
1960ish I think?

Picture added on 01 February 2012 at 09:43
The man with the hat is Rusty Flett if i mind right
Added by Allan Lobban on 01 February 2012
Left to right Nobby Clark, Heppy Sinclair, Jim Pottinger SNR, Rusty Shearer, Martin Thomson .Photo date early 1950s?
Added by Bob Kelday on 01 February 2012
thanks for that Bob. Martin any relation to Blondie?
Added by Billy Cardno on 01 February 2012
Is that the Potty who worked with Taffy in the GPO?
Added by W Watters on 01 February 2012
You are spot on Bob,think it's me brain thats rusty
Added by Allan Lobban on 01 February 2012
Martin was Blondie's uncle. It is GPO Potty's Dad
Added by Bob Kelday on 02 February 2012
Nobby Clark, Johnnie Walls and Jim Foub introduced me to the art of home brew drinking "straight from the barrel" when "Auld Foubie" lived in our Burnmouth Road premises and drove the Netherbutton midnight run every night.
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Added by David Tullock on 03 February 2012