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The water flows in the new willow burn. (Just for you Neil)

Picture added on 25 January 2012 at 11:49
This picture is in the following groups
New Schools Programme
New Schools Programme
Thank you Willie. Some grassy banks and the picture will be complete. I look forward to a summer photo. Keep up the good work.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 25 January 2012
Where is this and what are those buildings? It's a long time since I saw the Willow Burn but it never looked anything like this! Is this at the top end where the wooden houses used to be back in the late 40's early 50's? Of course beyond that was Papdale farm land and the Ducky Pond so I may be completely off track now with all the new development over the years.
Added by Freda Jackson on 25 January 2012
Buildings in picture are the Primary School and the building on the right is the drama classroom.
This 'burn' is brand new.
This 'burn' is brand new.
Added by W Watters on 26 January 2012
Possibly not "New Willow Burn" would it not be better,to save confusion - "Papdale Primary Burn"?
Added by Robert Shearer on 26 January 2012
Opposite the Willows shop was the Upper (and original) Mill of Papdale, later site of a playground
Added by Martin Howe on 27 January 2012
An interesting question was asked last night. Where does the burn start.There's no sign of it beyond the Papdale east housing!!!
Added by W Watters on 27 January 2012
The burn can be seen at the back of Otterswick part of Papdale East where there is a grating covering the start of the pipe
Anonymous comment added on 29 January 2012
It will be a great place to catch footballs (and other rubbish)
Added by W Watters on 30 January 2012
Is the ditch crooked by design? or a sloopy job....
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 30 January 2012
I don't know where the burn starts but it comes down from Berstane Loan between 2 fields, then turns to run all the way behind Papdale East until it gets covered over at the grating, as mentioned by "Anonymous".
Added by Isobel Irvine on 30 January 2012
I assume that water from Otterswick would have run into the old ducky pond and through to the Willows burn at a time?
Anonymous comment added on 31 January 2012
I suppose it needs to meander a bit Jimmy, otherwise it would just resemble a glorified ditch.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 31 January 2012
It will pick up different ditches from the Berstane area and from Quoydandy as it runs down past the Blackbuilding in ditches and underground pipes.
The new ditch was designed to meander rather than straight. A sloppy(sloopy) job just would not be allowed!
The new ditch was designed to meander rather than straight. A sloppy(sloopy) job just would not be allowed!
Added by Robert Shearer on 31 January 2012
OK, its meandering then, only one thing left to ask, why is it called the willows? There are no willows to be seen, or were there willows there at one time long ago that gave it the name..maybe they will plant some again , they are good for sookin' up water.......
[Have look downstream here - Steven]
[Have look downstream here - Steven]
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 01 February 2012
I kina have to agree wi Jimmy. Not a lot of Willow in any of these downstream pictures. Maybe the Sycamore burn. good time for Robert Shearer to put things right beside the new burn (keep the footballs oot of the water).
Added by W Watters on 01 February 2012
Who`s calling it the Willows?
Once it`s complete the OIC roads dept will maintain it & so will probably name it?
This should maybe be a project for the schools?
Once it`s complete the OIC roads dept will maintain it & so will probably name it?
This should maybe be a project for the schools?
Added by Robert Shearer on 01 February 2012
I wonder if the burn contractor will be charged "liquidated" damages for being so late?
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Added by Willie M on 02 February 2012