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Departure lounge at KOI
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Departure lounge at KOI

For the benefit of Russell Overton, who commented 11 Dec on Fiona MacNab's fine picture #2378, here's a shot of Kirkwall Airport's rebuilt passenger lounge just before it opened to the public. The wall art is terrific. Believe it or not, I didn't date this slide and now can't remember the year, but someone will.

[Wall art by Sheila Scott of Rousay, I believe. All made from bits of flooring vinyl. - Steven]
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Picture added on 15 December 2011 at 09:48
If it was just before the terminal opened then that would be about 2001.
Added by Richard Gorn on 15 December 2011
When you look at airports like Kirkwall, Newquay and other smaller uk airports you realize what a horrible place Heathrow is!
Added by Russell Overton on 15 December 2011
Thank you Steven - I should have given an attribution for the artwork, which in terms of talent, skill, relevance to its theme, and sheer hard graft, far surpasses most of the stuff accepted as 'art' these days.
Added by Ian Hourston on 15 December 2011
The wall art really is lovely. When you look at it for a while you realise what a lot of planning, design, and artistry went into it. It lifts our airport out of the rut.
Added by Sandy Windwick on 16 December 2011
I have always admired the artwork at Kirkwall, Sheila Scott's talent with vinyl is amazing. There is no contest between Heathrow and Kirkwall for welcome or friendliness. No carousel rage at KOI !!!
Added by Gerald Walker on 17 December 2011
A message from Sheila Scott [who has no internet connection!]....I would like to make it known that the wall art was done not only by me, but also husband Jim and brother John. It was a fun project and we are thrilled that so many people enjoy it as they travel to and from Orkney.

[Thanks for that Max, glad to help make sure due credit is paid. Please pass on my regards to Sheila - Steven]
Added by Max Fletcher on 21 December 2011
Sheila and family should do artwork for the ferries as well.
Added by Russell Overton on 22 December 2011
The pictures are amazing and as an artist for a visually impaired art group in Milton Keynes, Shiela has given us inspiration to use lino cuttings for our own tactile pictures. Great stuff! Well done Sheila and Co!
Added by Mr Robin Patching on 14 January 2013
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