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Andersquoy sheltered housing, the sun porch
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Andersquoy sheltered housing, the sun porch

Andersquoy sheltered housing, the sun porch, sometime in the 60s?
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Picture added on 15 November 2011 at 22:48
That was before it was called Andersquoy. Matron Findlay at the back and you can just see part of the large bird cage front right.
Added by Moira on 17 November 2011
Is this the old County Home? At one time nobody wanted to go there as it was originally the Kirkwall Poorhouse.
Anonymous comment added on 18 November 2011
Yes it is the same place, now converted into flats - also several photos of the work of converting it on image library.
Added by Moira on 19 November 2011
Several registers exist of occupants of the "poorhouse". The registers contain details of who lived there, punishments given out for misbehaviour and visitors. They were kept at St Rognvald's House. They may still be there.
Anonymous comment added on 21 November 2011
The gentleman seated on the right looks like an uncle of my father, James Inkster, originally from Rousay. He was in the County Home and died there sometime in the late sixties.
Added by Ian M Gibson on 05 December 2011
He was known as Uncle Jamie to my wife and he was an Inkster. He used to live in a small house just across from the County Home
Added by Alan on 06 December 2011
I was at the cemetary today and checked the grave of "Uncle James" Inkster - he died in February 1968 so this photo obviously predates then.
Added by Ian M Gibson on 29 February 2012
When I was a kid about 12 years old I went to the county home on xmas day along wae other kids fae King St church Sunday School and sang xmas carols to the old folk Bob Sclater took us in Nicholsons bus.We got cake fancies & lemonade.I mind the nurses sang a song called "This Old House" This wid been 1956.
Anonymous comment added on 29 December 2013
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