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The waiting room at the Travel Centre. Here you sit with your back to the incoming buses so you kinna se yer bus comin’ in. That’s a bit daft is hid no?
Picture added on 15 October 2011 at 17:37
Hid's nice an' warm though.
Added by Sandy on 15 October 2011
I filled in a Suggestions Card a year or so ago, suggesting that the seats should be unbolted from where they are, turned round, leaving enough leg room and rebolted. I put the card in the box provided.
Surprise, surprise, I didn't receive an acknowlegment, nor has the suggestion been acted upon!
Surprise, surprise, I didn't receive an acknowlegment, nor has the suggestion been acted upon!
Added by Isobel Irvine on 15 October 2011
It's so you canna see that horrible building ahent you!!!!
Added by Jack on 15 October 2011
If that bag wis left lying like that doon here in Glasgow, there wid be a terrorist scare and hid wid get blown up...
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 15 October 2011
Hid's no the only thing daft aboot the "Travel Centre" There are some nice vacant offices - some of which have never earned a penny in rent in 4 years!!!!!!!!
Added by Anonymous2 on 16 October 2011
The bag was mine Jimmy. The most explosive thing in it was a tin of Coke. But I take your point. We get away with things like that up here – just now.
I will repeat your suggestion Isobel. It would not take a lot of work and there is plenty of room. We shall see what happens. Watch this space.
I will repeat your suggestion Isobel. It would not take a lot of work and there is plenty of room. We shall see what happens. Watch this space.
Added by Sandy on 17 October 2011
While you are at it do something about the door which keeps opening when you get up to look for your bus and lets all that grand hot air out.
Added by Moira on 20 October 2011
Also, if you are sitting on the seats in the area next the Travel Centre, and a bus comes in to Stand 1, it totally obscures the view of the rest of the stands. Not the best bit of bus station design in the world. But hid is nice an' warm.
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Added by Sandy on 21 October 2011