The Orkney Image Library
No: 25553 Contributor: John Budge Year: 1965
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Here is the Enterprise from Wick a well known vessel in Orkney waters and in Stromness in the 50s and 60s owned and skippered by Geordie Swanson .
I will leave any comments untill we see what interest comes on this one.
[Date estimated]

Picture added on 30 August 2011 at 12:18
That wid be taken in the days when they hed a herring queen in Wick,dinna ken fit the MCA mannie wid say aboot at load o' passengers the present day.Ye think he wid be kinda cross!!!
Added by Billy Farquhar on 30 August 2011
Looks as if it's Wick Gala Week ( July ), they used to have cruises around Wick bay as part of the shindig, a wee bit different to the cruise ships that have paid a fleeting visit to the bay recently. In the background is the North Baths and Broadhaven which nowadays is completely built up.
Added by Cadalach on 30 August 2011
He was kent as honest George. His son and a Bain man were crew.
Anonymous comment added on 30 August 2011
Geordie had a stammer and was a cannie going man, he didno allways abide by the fishery guide lines!! He came past a Brims lobster boat near to Rackwick Bay and firstly and said w w we have no f f fish onboord h h have you seen the B Bobbies (Fishery Protection Boat).
He wanted information but no chance of a few haddocks for the tip off!!.
He wanted information but no chance of a few haddocks for the tip off!!.
Added by John Budge on 31 August 2011
I think George actually came from Thurso area rather than Wick but I could be wrong. I remember catching George fishing illegally when I worked on the Norna. He reckoned he had a net in the prop and had drifted inside the two mile zone. Pity that two mile zone was ever removed, there might have been more fish around if it still existed.
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Added by Ernie Rendall on 10 September 2011