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Horse dog trial
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Horse dog trial

Further to photo 25454

Horse riders should be compelled to teach their dogs to clear up the mess. To be fair you could not expect the horse to do it with hooves.

Sandy, hope you don't mind me sending in my highly trained "Poo dog"

6th Aug 2011
Picture added on 09 August 2011 at 11:11
My Labs wouldn't need a pooper scooper, they would deal with it directly.......then however it would be dog poop

Anonymous comment added on 09 August 2011
That's a great idea Ron. If dogs can be trained to do this, and clean up their own act, it would be a great PR exercise for them.
Added by Sandy on 09 August 2011
Ha Ha Ha love it Ron, Good one

Added by Colin McBeath on 09 August 2011
Ron that's a very clever dog - you should have had him on tv's B.G.T show he would have beat all the other dogs? Will you have him at the County Show??
Added by J.Walker on 09 August 2011
i wrote in our local paper about this problem and it seems i am not the only one annoyed about it as the amount of people who have complained to me tells me something should be done at least stop them from entering the city center,i adore horses and think they should not be subjected to the road traffic but in lovely juicy fields and in cosy stables at night not in some wet field with a raincoat between them and the elements so there!
Added by Brenda Millar on 10 August 2011
Ron your dog will be on overtime after sundays riding the marches.
Added by Joe on 12 August 2011
Who cleans up after the dog?
Added by Anonymous on 14 August 2011
Hoo much longer are yae Kirkwall folk goan tae whinge on aboot a bit o horse sh**e!!. Dae yea no kenn Orkney's econamy is based on that very thing, noo they are gaan on aboot the amount o sh**e that will come oot o the salmon in the Scapa Flow.
I say where there is dung there will be money.
Added by John Budge on 22 August 2011
Wheesht John. Sh**te is sh**e. Hid's jist an unpleasant by-product o' digestion. If it wis truly valuable I wid be oot pickin' hid up meesel'.
Added by Sandy on 23 August 2011
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