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I am not sure what this is about. I think I was told that it was a tree trunk being straightened for a mast. Photo taken at Hatston, May 1989.
Picture added on 16 July 2011 at 12:44
Could one trust a mast made from an originally bent tree-trunk to stay straight over the years?
Added by Ian Hourston on 16 July 2011
Could have been the mast for The Enterprise
Added by Ross Flett on 16 July 2011
I think that was for the Peterel now in the basin. Mick Rennie's home
Anonymous comment added on 16 July 2011
I think the Enterprise's mast is still lying on the pier at Irvine, weel rotten..
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 20 July 2011
It's not one of Petrel's masts, mine are not that massive and any way were stepped by 1985. I am confident that they are the masts and spars of Neil McKie's Enterprise, which I helped build.
Added by Mick Rennie on 05 October 2012
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