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Dougie Cooper in 1938
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Dougie Cooper in 1938

This photo of Dougie Cooper as a young man would have been taken pre 2nd. World War.1938. Dougie was tall and lean and stayed that way all his his later years. He was a Prisoner of War and was being marched among other prisoners between camps and the Germans opened fire with sub-machine guns. Dougie was shot in the leg and fell in a ditch with other bodies on top of him which saved his life. After being left for dead he survived. After the war Dougie worked at the Egg Packing Station, Ayre Rd.,where he took some very good photos' of the staff which are here on the Image Library.

Dougie was a great musician and played in the Nomads Dance Band. I might be wrong on the band, but somebody will correct me. He was also Manager of the Hotspur Junior Football Team in the Fifties and they won the Dr. Gordon Cup from 1953-1957. Always a very pleasant man and a pleasure to have known. Added by Phil Brough.
Picture added on 25 May 2011 at 13:57
Dougie was a great friend of mine. It was he who intruduced me to the records of Django Reinhardt in the old Kirkwall and St Ola Community Centre. Many now wearing on a bit guitarists had their first lessons from Dougie. He never played with Nomads. He played with many musicians, groups, and bands including The Metronomes, Eddie Peace, the early Braelanders, Adrian Stuart etc.

He made excellent home brew. What a super photo. What troubles he had ahead of him.

Added by Sandy on 25 May 2011
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