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Red Arrows at Kirkwall airshow
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Red Arrows at Kirkwall airshow

Red Arrows at Kirkwall airshow [Date ??????????]
Picture added on 01 March 2011 at 19:09
think it was 82, mind being there.
Added by Chris Shearer on 01 March 2011
A crop from this image appears on the front cover of AIRFIELDS OF THE ORKNEY MAINLAND, an 'Airfield Focus special' by Peter V Clegg (GMS Enterprises 2012). No doubt you were consulted about this Willie, but I can't find an acknowledgment in the copy I've just bought at The Orcadian Bookshop. It's a fine shot that deserves wider circulation, but also the courtesy of an attribution.
Added by Ian Hourston on 29 November 2012
Afraid not. I will be consulting my laywer this morning!!!!!!!!!!
Added by W Watters on 04 December 2012
Give 'em hell, Willie!
Anonymous comment added on 05 December 2012
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