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What is wrong with this (not very good) photo?
Taken 11th Feb, 2011.
[is it erse aboot face? Or backside foremost? - Steven]
Picture added on 16 February 2011 at 19:34
Or even flipped side-to-side? The name on the glass is presumably not intended to remind customers where they are, so will be facing outwards not inwards. (I really can't be arsed to go and check.)
Added by Ian Hourston on 16 February 2011
Its ootside in..
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 16 February 2011
Yes, I reversed it, but Steven put it much better with his skillful use of our native dialect.
Added by Sandy on 16 February 2011
It is obviously inside that well known eaterie "efac sungam ts"
Added by Ian M Gibson on 17 February 2011
I have been looking into this and apparently there is a lot more to this reversed and mirror imagery than "meats the eye". The eye tends to see what it expects to see and doesn't always take in what is in front of it. Hid's all abuv me heed - or somewhar.
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Added by Sandy on 17 February 2011