The Orkney Image Library
No: 24530 Contributor: Richard Johnston Year: 2010
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croft at Mid Rinigall on Hoy
Mathieson homestead

Picture added on 15 December 2010 at 18:24
Mid Rinnigal ? I've never heard of this croft, where abouts on Hoy is it?
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 16 December 2010
This picture is Mid Rinnigill - Geordie and Sandy Robertson's hoose fae the shore side! West o' Rinnigill pier.
Added by Mabel Besant on 16 December 2010
My mind must be going, your right Mabel, of course its Sandy's..
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 17 December 2010
I wiz in the local fire service for ower therty year, waan day wae got a call tae this hoose, many years afore some body had put a plate across the breast o the harth and fitted a stove but had never built up the space behind,ower the years soot hid built up in the void space and on this day had "taen hadd" well there wiz some heat in the end o the hoose yae coodna pit yir hand on the wall. Owld Sandy and Geordie sat tight in the reek they were jist black wae the soot and reek bit they niver mooved oot o there chairs. Yae could say they were resiliant,I wid say they were as hard as nails.
Added by John Budge on 19 December 2010
Does anyone have any information on the Mathieson family who lived in Mid Rinigall from c 1850 until the last of the family, James, emigrated to Canada. (It was then, I'm led to believe, that George and Sandy Robertson moved in)
Added by Robin Smith on 09 January 2012
I was wondering if this Croft and Orraquay are the same. They appear to be? Thanks!
Added by Richard Johnston on 26 November 2023
No Oraquoy and Mid Rinnigill are two different crofts
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Added by Jane Harris on 23 November 2024