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DSF mosaic, Foubisters shop
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DSF mosaic, Foubisters shop

Photo taken 23 Oct 2010 to accompany Sandy's 1987 photo of Foubister's shop.
These are the Foubister's initials beautifully inlaid in the tiling, and in remarkably good condition, considering how many thousands of feet have walked over them!
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Picture added on 25 October 2010 at 17:32
Two things struck me about this picture. First, unlike most monograms, the surname initial is the smallest of the three. Second, the monogram seems to flout the laws of perspective - until you realise the 'frame' isn't a rectangle; there are many fewer tesserae in the back row than in the front. You must have been pointing the camera almost straight down Isobel. Quite a good optical illusion. It had me fooled for a while!
Added by Ian Hourston on 27 October 2010
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