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Neukitineuks development now completed. See picture #24235 for how it used to look. I don't like the colour and think it should have been reinstated to look as it was and more in keeping with the surrounding area. No doubt the light colour will get dirty in time though?
Picture added on 13 October 2010 at 19:04
I used to live at 4A Wellington Street, the top two windows on the right were the bathroom & bedsitting room, & probably still are!
Added by Al Hine on 13 October 2010
From 1955 to 1968 (or thereabouts)we lived at 14 Wellington St.
The Findlay family was at No.12. On the other side was Ia and Jim Linklater and Thompson's shop.
My dad, Donald Thomson, had a workshop in number 8.
6 and 8 have been a sorry sight for many years so it is good to see it all done up.
The Findlay family was at No.12. On the other side was Ia and Jim Linklater and Thompson's shop.
My dad, Donald Thomson, had a workshop in number 8.
6 and 8 have been a sorry sight for many years so it is good to see it all done up.
Added by Ann Sutherland on 16 October 2010
I mind thompsons shop. Think they left in the early seventies and went to inverness, the shop never opened again.
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Added by Kirkwallian on 16 October 2010