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Football team at the KGS 1956-1957. Ian Skea is in the middle of the middle row.
Other boys names are : Brian Sommerville, Russell Park, William Muir, J Rosie, Alan Findlay, Frank McGinn.
Can anyone name the others and put names to faces ?
Picture added on 11 October 2010 at 18:38
Back row L to R - David Oddie, Erland Firth, Russell Park, ? William Muir.
Middle row L to R - John Findlay, Alan Findlay, Ian Skea, Douglas Corse, Tom Anderson.
Front row L to R - Frank McGinn, Brian Sommerville, John Rosie.
Middle row L to R - John Findlay, Alan Findlay, Ian Skea, Douglas Corse, Tom Anderson.
Front row L to R - Frank McGinn, Brian Sommerville, John Rosie.
Added by Tom King on 11 October 2010
Robin Macleod, top row, 2nd.from the right. Added by Phil Brough.
Added by James P Brough on 12 October 2010
There was an Ian Skea, at North Walls School probably late 40's , his father was Jimmy Skea, think they farmed Ore farm, and moved to the Mainland maybe 1950 or earlier, might this be the same fellow.......
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 12 October 2010
I went to school with Ian Skea in the Higher Grades at Kirkwall Grammar School.His Parents farmed Orquil in Rendall,Ian was Dux of the Higher Grades around the time of this Photo. He went on to be a World Expert in Agriculture,for years in Africa and latterly in Australia where he died a couple of years back. He was a great Sportsman and dedicated in every thing he did.
Added by James P Brough on 12 October 2010
That would be the same Ian Skea.
Added by Alison Moar on 12 October 2010
if you google the trials of sheepdog trialing you should find out about one of ians escapades in the latter years of an interesting and well travelled career. the other picture of the football team submitted by rosemary would appear to be in the Firth school playground which would be the nearest secondary to Rendall where they moved to.
Added by Brian Clouston on 13 October 2010
Yes Jimmy Hamilton that is the same Ian Skea I was his baby sister ,actually born at Ore Farm in 1946, now in Deerness
Added by Thelma Bruce on 15 October 2010
Amazing! I recognized David Oddie, Frank McGinn and John Rosie as soon as I saw this photograph! We were classmates many years ago so I guess this is how they looked when I last saw them. Also John and Alan Findlay although they were a year or so older. Can it really be over fifty years ago?
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Added by Freda Jackson on 18 October 2010
Second Row First left: John Findlay; Fourth Left ? Corse