The Orkney Image Library
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Photo taken 1932.The St.Magnus Cathedral from Copeland's Lane with the short spire, pre 1938, as interesting from the rear as the front. Added by Phil Brough.
P.S. Steven! I can't seem to be able to enlarge this image,any suggestions on what to do?,Thank you, Phil. Although I did not make to the Girnel last week I purchased the Charityies Calander from W.Shearer, and very good it is, will be buying another three before Christmas for relations down South. Phil.
Picture added on 23 August 2010 at 15:43
Once a scan is saved, you can crop it before uploading. If you have Windows XP & Vista, there is a basic editing tool with the software, also, pictures can be cropped in "Paint" or use "Snipping Tool" If your rich enough to have an Apple Mac,then I have no idea how to crop pictures!
Added by Al Hine on 23 August 2010
This photo is actually a bit older than 1932, for the old spire was removed in, I think, 1915.
Added by Paul Sutherland on 23 August 2010
Thanks Paul, I based the date of my photo on this one.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 26 August 2010
Many thanks to Paul,I have done some research into the Cathedral Archives and the major alterations were started on 1913 and went on to 1930. Paul would be bang on with his date of 1915, sorry to Neil for misleading him. Added by Phil Brough.
Anonymous comment added on 28 August 2010