The Orkney Image Library
No: 24004 Contributor: Willie Watters Year: 2010
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Hey, man what you lookin at.
Frog relaxing in waterfall today.

Picture added on 30 July 2010 at 13:02
Added by Ian Hourston on 06 August 2010
Sorry,no,it is afrog. I have 100's in my garden and pond, from 3/8 inch to 5 inches long.
Added by W Watters on 11 August 2010
My turn to say sorry. I thought the animal's skin looked warty in your photo, and lacking in darker markings - bars, spots etc - usually present in frogs. But looking more than just skin-deep, I see it's a frog without a doubt, if an unusually uniformly-coloured one. (Also, it's unlikely a toad would be relaxing in a waterfall at the end of July.) So, sorry again!
[I found a large frog (or toad) among my strawberries at the allotments off Buttquoy Place yesterday- Steven]
[I found a large frog (or toad) among my strawberries at the allotments off Buttquoy Place yesterday- Steven]
Added by Ian Hourston on 12 August 2010
The difference between a frog and a toad are:
*The skin of a frog is quite smooth,and a toad is more 'warty'.
*A frog feels moist to the touch ,but a toad feels dry.
*A frogs back is raised with two ridges down each side.Toads have a more flattened appearance.
*Frogs move around by hopping on their strong back legs, but toads walk.
*The skin of a frog is quite smooth,and a toad is more 'warty'.
*A frog feels moist to the touch ,but a toad feels dry.
*A frogs back is raised with two ridges down each side.Toads have a more flattened appearance.
*Frogs move around by hopping on their strong back legs, but toads walk.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 14 August 2010