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I've had this photo for years and as things have moved on 'doon the pier' thought folk would enjoy this one from some time ago, not sure when.The man on the left is Mack Johnston, my uncle 5th from the left is my Dad 'Pat' Johnston, then Martin Thomson, last on the right is Bill Binks (as I knew him) the photo is taken loading the Amelia from the Amelia stores as the building was called then.
[Date estimated]

Picture added on 19 July 2010 at 12:09
The man next to Mac Johnston is Dod Louttit Jnr
Added by Bob Kelday Jnr on 19 July 2010
Could the man on the left be Buster Bews? next to him Dod Loutit and next to him could be (Ron-Fred) Johnstone,father of Fred and Ronnie Johnstone. Somebody will correct me if I am wrong. Added by Phil Brough.
Anonymous comment added on 20 July 2010
The man next to Bill Binks wearing the cap is Douglas Grant, St. Catherines Pl. He emigrated to Australia in the late Fifties, Added by Phil Brough.
Anonymous comment added on 20 July 2010
From the right: Bill Binks, Laird man with specs, Harry Sandison, D Grant, Martin THOMSON , Pat Johnston, Flett and SONS Albion lorry in background
Added by Bob Kelday Jnr on 23 July 2010
I think the guy on the far right in the raincoat and cap is my uncle "Wull" Johnston
Added by Johnny johnston on 23 July 2010
The man on far right is Tony Johnston
Anonymous comment added on 04 August 2010
The man on the right of Dod Loutit is William Johnston father of Fred and Ronnie.
Added by Colin Wylie on 31 October 2010
I found out recently that my great grandfather Donald Johnston died in the S.S.Amelia in 1924. I assume this is the same ship?
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Added by Richard Johnston on 24 March 2024