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Sheena, 21/5/10.

Picture added on 31 May 2010 at 11:26
Thats more like the piolt boat that Orkney should have, and a darn site cheeper !!!
Added by Goose on 31 May 2010
The Sheena, a beautiful boat in the water. Built I think by James Maxwell,Ship Yard, Burnmouth Rd, Kirkwall for Willie Nicolson and family, Shapinsay. Looks like Michael Nicolson behind the wheelhouse window. The Nicolson boys' will keep me right on this I hope. Added by Phil Brough.
Anonymous comment added on 31 May 2010
I went to Shapinsay each Wednesday during the 1968/69 school year. I travelled with three generations of the Nicolson family - Willie, Alfie and Michael. The boats they had were the 'Orana' and the 'Sheena'. Is the boat in this photograph the 'Sheena' that I travelled on?
Added by Harold Esson on 02 June 2010
did that boat belong to Alfie Nicolson fae Shapinsay at one time ???
Added by Erlend Stout on 04 June 2010
Its kenny nicolson
Added by Darren Nicolson on 09 June 2010
Phil you are right she was built at Maxwell's in 1947 approx. When she was launched she was 26ft long.Another 6ft was added to the bow as my grandfather Willie Nicolson wasn't happy with her as she was too full in the head.At 32ft long it improved her a lot in a head sea. She's still in the family in retirement with the owner Kenny Nicolson at the wheel in the photo.
Added by Gary Nicolson on 11 June 2010
During my KGS years, 1961 -66, this boat was often our transport on a Monday morning, especially if the weather was coorse, as the Orana tended to roll more. We were battened down under canvas, and away we went, with Da and Alfie in charge.Half a crown was the fare, if I recall correctly.
Added by Marlene Mainland on 14 June 2010
I winder hoo thou wid like tae board a tanker tae east end o the Pentland Firth fae a vessel o this type Goose?.Nether you or the boat wid lest very long!! I doot yae hivna got a clue, although "Sheena" is a fine boat, she is not tae be compaired tae a pilot boat come on!!.
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Added by John Budge on 21 June 2010