The Orkney Image Library
No: 23842 Contributor: Charlie Kemp Year: 2010
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The same crane as in picture #23826 erecting Tesco's new temporary store
A Liebherr crane from Simpson Crane Hire, Wick with a max lift capacity of 350 tonne this time lifting Currie Brothers crane off the barge after completing the piling works for the new Marina in Wick Harbour last summer
Picture added on 25 May 2010 at 22:06
Simpsons crane is a Terex Demag 350 tonne
Anonymous comment added on 27 May 2010
Interesting and unusual picture Charlie. Never seen a crane lift a crane before!
Added by Rae on 30 May 2010
I stand corrected it is a Terex Demag
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Added by Charlie Kemp on 31 May 2010