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Retiral of Douglas Wood
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Retiral of Douglas Wood

Orkney County Council - Retiral of Douglas Wood - 1972 (Photo courtesy of John Findlay) Details on back:
Retiral in 1972 of Douglas Wood, County Clerk. Boardroom on 1st Floor, 6 Broad Street, Kirkwall [now The Reel]
Back Row: Robert Kerr, Alex Mackinnon, Hilda Flett, Roy Allan, Catherine Ritchie, Christine Stockan, John Seatter,
Isobel Sinclair,S tephen Omand, Alison King, John Findlay, Jean Higgins, James Gibson.
Front Row: Leila MacDonald-Young, Alison Tulloch, Anne Sinclair, Douglas Wood, Eric Flett, Murdo Macdonald, William Barnett.

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Picture added on 28 April 2010 at 16:23
Those were the days when Orkney could be run by some 20 Administrative Staff! How many are involved today bearing in mind the geographical size has altered none and the population is somewhat similar? Furthermore, there are no hand-written ledgers these days as we are now in the era of computers. Interesting thoughts!
Added by Lex on 29 April 2010
Douglas Wood was my Grandfather. If anyone has more pictures I would be very grateful if you could send them via email or post them on this site. Thank you
Added by Ailsa Couttie on 16 August 2013
Douglas Wood was also my Grandfather. Again if anyone has any information of him and his past and photographs I would be much obliged if you could e-mail me too. Thank you.
Added by Douglas Couttie on 28 February 2014
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