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In relation to the picture number #2009 - the old coal lorry in the Kelvin Hall Museum, Glasgow. Used from 1935 to 1973 in Orkney to deliver coal, driven by Mr. John Milne and later by Mr. Robbie Wylie. The price of a bag of coal at that time - one and sixpence halfpenny is painted on the side. How much does a bag cost today I wonder!

Picture added on 21 February 2007
A bag o coal costs £10.50
Added by Whistler on 22 February 2007
No, if you buy your coal from the 'Hope' (Fluff) it costs £10 - had two bags yesterday. Great photo of the coal lorry - fond memories of it delivering in the Quoybanks area - driven by a man called Titter/Tinter Linklater?? (please help). Does anyone have a photo of the old Ashy Cart (rounded top with sliding doors on the platform) that collected the refuse in the days that the 'Cooncil' used the open dump at Picky?
Added by John Foulis on 24 February 2007
Did Jolly's really have a depot in Glasgow or has that just been made up to explain the presence of a Kirkwall coal lorry in the reconstruction of a typical Glasgow street?
Added by Paul Sutherland on 28 February 2007
Titta I think was the chaps name.(perhaps his name was Thomas but I'm not sure as everyone called him Titta) A friend of Bomber (Ian) Linklater. There was a Mr. John Foulis as well. Are you a relation?
As for the depot in Glasgow - no it must have just been for the museum as you said Paul.
As for the depot in Glasgow - no it must have just been for the museum as you said Paul.
Added by Barbara on 28 February 2007
Barbara - Ta for the info. I'm not sure if there was a John Foulis, but there was a Peter Foulis who worked on the coal lorry. He originally came from Westray and would be a distant relative - I ventured to very near his home croft for my dear wife (OK I did meet her in Kirkwall)
Added by John Foulis on 02 March 2007
Geordie Seater from Egilsay also used to drive this truck. He can slso be remembered for being one of the singing Seater Brothers.
Added by Gordie Peterson on 03 March 2007
Yes you are right it was Peter Foulis and not John. (old age hitting me and memory problems!) John Foulis was a butcher I think. Geordie Seater never drove the old lorry but yes he was one of the coalmen and did go on the lorry. He sang with his brother Billo Seater. They also had a brother James who lived in the sooth. Keep the info coming - it's great.
Added by Barbara on 05 March 2007
Geordie Seater often drove the lorry, as I have had the honour of getting a lift from him. Brother Jimmo was a chief inspector in the Liverpool Police
Added by Gordie Peterson on 06 March 2007
I also recall Geordie Seatter driving that one when I was a boy. Peter Foulis(lived at Watergate) and Jock Milne of Upperfield Scapa(later 19 Queen Street) usually went with one of the bigger "square cabbed" Albions. Robbie Wylie drove one of the new (1964ish) Bedford TK BS7362 I think
Added by W Mackay on 26 January 2008
I also recall Geordie Seater driving the old lorry maybe it was on days when a coal boat was working and the regular drivers were busy.
Added by Colin Wylie on 28 January 2008
It is an Albion probably a Model 43 rated as a 2 tonner. Fitted with the 3.2 litre EN 58 engine rated at 20/40 HP.
Added by Gerald Walker on 30 September 2009
Jolly's did not have a depot in Glasgow. Coal now costs nearly £17 a bag!
Added by Carol-Ann Jolly on 24 January 2012
One old Albion had the hand brake on the right side of the driver who entered the cab from the left the engine was started handle or wap
Added by Bob Kelday on 25 January 2012
One o Jollys Albion Larries came tae Lyness and was used by "Seamud"in the mid 70s ,I mind drivan her sometimes, she was flat nosed and I think is maybe at Rysa Farm still tae this day, I doot shae wina be in as good nick as the ane in the photo though!!.
Added by John Budge on 28 January 2012
Oh John - any chance of a photo if she still is in Rysa Farm please.
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Added by Barbara on 30 January 2012