The Orkney Image Library
No: 23465 Contributor: Tommy Kirkpatrick Year: 2010
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K166 Lyndon Lass ex K802 Fisher Lad,was chopped up for firewood in the end.
Picture added on 25 February 2010 at 14:39
That looks like Fred Craigie in the wheel house
Added by Jimmy Johnston on 25 February 2010
My Dad Fred Craigie rebuilt this boat from just the hull if I remember correctly. It was his pride and joy and I remember going to the creels - whether I wanted to or not! Sad that it ended up as firewood although I do have a model of it.
Added by Lynne Allan on 28 February 2010
It's actually the Lyndan Lass as it was named after me and my sister - Lynne and Dana.
Added by Lynne Allan on 28 February 2010
Lovely to see this pic of the Lyndan Lass.
Rebuilt at Weyland & used for creels, sea-angling & even made it famous on a Floyds cookery programme! The boat could have told a few tales & i still treasure the name plate hand crafted by Dad himself.
Rebuilt at Weyland & used for creels, sea-angling & even made it famous on a Floyds cookery programme! The boat could have told a few tales & i still treasure the name plate hand crafted by Dad himself.
Added by Dana Naysmith on 02 March 2010
Wow. Can't believe I have at long last got a photo of my half brother's boat. After searching for years for a decent picture of the Lyndon Lass.
Thank You very much for the person taking this. I will treasure this picture forever. If there are any more boat pictures like this owned from the Kelday's from Orkney Somebody please let me know. Kindest Regards Emma Riding (Nee Kelday)
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Thank You very much for the person taking this. I will treasure this picture forever. If there are any more boat pictures like this owned from the Kelday's from Orkney Somebody please let me know. Kindest Regards Emma Riding (Nee Kelday)
Added by Emma Riding (Nee Kelday) on 21 March 2010