The Orkney Image Library
No: 23464 Contributor: Keith Dennison Year: 1967
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John Dennison's "Fairy Queen" where? Approx 1967.
(Built 1926).

Picture added on 24 February 2010 at 14:50
Looks like Burghead
Added by Tommy Kirkpatrick on 24 February 2010
Added by Erlend Stout on 24 February 2010
Definately Burghead, Moray.
Added by Angus Main on 24 February 2010
I agree with Tommy, Burghead.
Added by Fred Johnston. on 25 February 2010
Think it could be Banff Harbour
Added by Isobel Davidson on 21 February 2012
Isobel, have a look at picture #25719, the buildings are the same, definitely the Broch.
[Isn't The Broch Fraserburgh? Or does anything with 'burgh' in its name get called The Broch?- Steven]
[Isn't The Broch Fraserburgh? Or does anything with 'burgh' in its name get called The Broch?- Steven]
Added by Angus Main on 21 February 2012
Steven - Burghead is commonly known in the area as The Broch just the same as Fraserburgh.
Added by Angus Main on 22 February 2012
Johnno Davidson's Flourish ootside 'o her?
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Added by Keith Dennison on 19 January 2016