The Orkney Image Library
No: 23461 Contributor: Keith Dennison Year: 1970
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John and Magnus Dennison's "Kildinguie" heading out to sea approx 1970. She was built at Anderson's boatyard, Stromness in 1969.
Picture added on 24 February 2010 at 14:46
What is the harbour pictured Keith?
Added by Fred Johnston. on 24 February 2010
I think this is Wick and is that point in the background not referred to by the Weekers as the Orkney mans point?
Some misheld legend that lots of Orcadian seafarers have run ashore on it, dont know if that was on arrival or departure from that fair town!!
Some misheld legend that lots of Orcadian seafarers have run ashore on it, dont know if that was on arrival or departure from that fair town!!
Added by John Budge on 24 February 2010
Could it be Wick.
Added by Tommy Kirkpatrick on 24 February 2010
Wonder if she didna end up doon aboot the Clyde, Carradale maybe renamed Ocean Starlight broken up 2002.
Added by Allan Besant on 26 February 2010
I agree with Tommy & John, Wick.
Added by Fred Johnston. on 26 February 2010
Looks like the beacon on the old pier head at Wick.
Added by Allan Besant on 26 February 2010
I saw the wheelhouse in Carradale being used as a shed a few years ago.
Added by Kenny Fraser on 01 March 2010
After i saw this photo i asked the old man why they had 2 gilsons at the trawl,he said no reason but to make it look pretty.
Added by Deeno on 04 March 2010
It is definately Wick, no doubt about that.
Added by John Webster on 29 May 2010
The 2 gilsons are for at the clams.
She has some cladding on her side there.
She has some cladding on her side there.
Added by Joseph Marr. on 10 April 2012
She was at the clams on the west coast working out o' Tobermory, Johnno was down too wi' the Flourish, and the Enterprise as well... I thought it would been earlier than 1969, but if thats the right date for the Kildinguie gettin' built, she must have been new when she was on the west coast. I was Skipper on the Shapinsay at that time working the west coast....
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Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 11 April 2012