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Issac Wilson
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Issac Wilson

Issac Wilson, owner of the Inyoni. Taken in 2006.
Issac told me a lot about the Inyoni most of which i've forgotten. I seem to recall him saying something about the hull being unusual,is it possible the planks were layed diagonally?
Picture added on 19 February 2010 at 14:26
A lot of the old admiralty pinnaces were built that way.
Added by Fred Johnston. on 19 February 2010
I think Isaac wid be 88 in this pic a fresh looking man for that. The owld INYONI was his pride an joy . He had great enjoyment out of the old boat, When he got her first I think she may have had an old Kelvin in her but this was soon replaced by a Thornycroft diesel engine. She would have been double diagonal built, remember him replacing a lot o bad wid in her hull one time, he shaped a great scelp o plywood the size o the bad bit then he got an old army blanket and covered it wae tar the whole lot was then screwed to the boat and it made for a fine repair.But his bigest feat was when the boracks ate the keel away, mind he put her up on the sand and almost single handed put a new keel in her mostly wae hand tools and getting a hand from the boys on the pilot launch when needed. He also had an old stationary Ailsa Craig engine in the hold that was fixed up to a dynamo and a water pump he could change them over depending what the task was charging his batteries or pumping the bilges. Aye them were happy days at Scapa
Added by Allan Besant on 19 February 2010
What joy! I recognized Issac right away and yet I’ve not seen him for over 25 years. He hasn’t changed a bit. I doubt he wouldn’t say the same thing about me! Thank you Alan for putting this photo on the OIL.
Added by Barbara on 19 February 2010
Isaac's brother Jimmy also had many talents, he was a magician with engines,electrical items etc.
He had the same quiet manner as his brother and sisters.
Added by Stewart Taylor on 19 February 2010
He is so like his late brother Jimmy who was married to my aunty Davina (Dolly) née Gillespie.
Added by Beryl Simpson on 20 February 2010
Robbie Flett told me a story from when he and his cousin from Harray were young of rigging up a old dynamo onto a belt from a tractor and making what they thought was a electric welder, they used fencing wire as electrodes and managed to melt some onto a steel plate!! All excited they ran to show it to Issac who dryly said 'oh boys oh boys hids jist like goose shit'. Robbie said 'we were crushed'.
Added by John Budge on 21 February 2010
Isaac and my father spent many an evening discussing boats, boat engines and anything else boat-related. Had more than one trip on the good ship Inyoni dragging for clams in the Flow. And not catching much except coal and scadman's head! Happy memories.
Added by Jane Harris (née Ross) on 23 February 2010
What came of the Inyoni? I fear the worst but maybe she is safe somewhere.
Added by Roy Sinclair on 02 July 2013
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