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DREVER MEDALLISTS : Picture taken today 03/02/10

Does this board bring back any memories for anyone? Where did it once hang? Ring any bells?
Picture added on 08 February 2010 at 11:14
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This record of the Dux medallists hung in the hall of KGS in School Place. Many a time we read the names as our minds wandered during a boring assembly!
Added by Marlene Mainland on 08 February 2010
This used to hang in the gym hall in the old Grammar school
Anonymous comment added on 08 February 2010
I was taught French by both Kathleen Twatt and Brenda Mowat at KGS.
Added by Barbara Johnston on 08 February 2010
Another proof of the unenlightened times when doing well in school was considered worth rewarding and recording. I'll post the Stromness Academy equivalent, though being a smaller school it had a smaller board, and it ran out of space at an earlier date. Maybe someone has a pic of its successor?
Added by Ian Hourston on 08 February 2010
Where is this board now? All my school days it hung in the gym hall in KGS. Why did the list of medallists end in 1968?
Added by Fiona Bain on 08 February 2010
I recognise and knew quite a lot of people named here. I'll mention a few that comes to mind, Kathleen M. Twatt, fondly known as "Twitter", what a great name in the light of the Web Site and has been added to the Oxford Dictionary, William S.Watson, known by everyone as"Jumbo", Garson Shearer,known as "Gasser", son of John Shearer,sen.of the Garage and Coal store, Emma S.Peace and David K.Scott,both classmates of mine in the Higher Grades, Emma from Stronsay and David from North Ronaldsay, Elba Fotheringham and Brenda Mowat, both Teachers in later life. I could go on,but no!. Added by Phil Brough
Added by Phil Brough on 08 February 2010
What happened after 1968? Same year as I left "the Grammar"
Added by Anonymous 2 on 08 February 2010
Any idea why it was stopped?
Added by Bruce Moar on 08 February 2010
In his Trust Settlement dated 31st October 1924, William Peace Drever, Solicitor, Kirkwall left, among other bequests, "To the Education Authority of the County of Orkney the sum of One hundred and fifty pounds to hold and invest the same and apply the revenue thereof (1) primo loco in providing annually a gold medal for the dux of the Kirkwall Burgh School upon the award of the Headmaster for the time being, and (2) to apply any residue of revenue in providing book prizes for the scholars of that school likewise upon the award of the Headmaster for the time being". I note that although Drever died in December 1924, the first medal was not awarded till 1928. Someone told me his will was challenged, so that may account for the delay. His other bequests included £500 to be held in trust with the income being used to provide annual Christmas presents for the needy fishermen and seamen of Kirkwall, and a like sum to provide university bursaries for needy scholars of the Kirkwall school.
Added by Paul Sutherland on 08 February 2010
Bruce, I suspect it succumbed to creeping 'political correctness'. Of course, I may be wrong, I've been wrong before (not quite sure when, possibly 1963).
Added by Ian Hourston on 09 February 2010
Ian, why just because the Academy was a smaller school should the board be any smaller? Surely just as in KGS you would only have had one winner each year.
Anonymous comment added on 09 February 2010
Ian's picture of the Stromness Academy board will appear on Thursday 9th, probably after teatime (lot of council meetings), and will perhaps suggest that even if he was wrong in 1963, he may have fared better in 1948...
Added by Steven Heddle on 09 February 2010
Ah yes, Anonymous, but the winners would probably be smaller.
Added by Ian Hourston on 09 February 2010
So, Steven, my dreadful secret is out! It was a matter of necessity. Mother had been 'dux' before they invented boards, and the guy two places up from me is my late brother. (Few alive today know how close I came to letting the side down.)
Added by Ian Hourston on 09 February 2010
A belated additional comment. Two years ago a former schoolmate and I were on a Danube river cruise and for the first time in our lives we met Jim Stout, the 1949 dux on this board. On a boat somewhere upstream from Budapest seemed an unlikely place for Orkney folk to run into each other. (And almost exact contemporaries too.)
Anonymous comment added on 03 May 2010
The 3 May comment wasn't meant to be anonymous - rather spoils the point of it. It was me. I'll take more care this time.
Added by Ian Hourston on 06 May 2010
Rather a shame that a Drever never made it to the board.
Added by Sandra Drever (Canada) on 23 August 2010
Helen Bichan I think was my teacher at Grimness school about 1945.
Added by Sandy Scott on 03 July 2014
My Dad was Hamish McGhie 1961
Added by Crawford McGhie on 05 May 2022
Hamish McGhie 1961 was my dad. He passed away in 2011.
Added by Crawford McGhie on 05 May 2022
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