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Fire Patrols
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Fire Patrols

Fire Patrols: this picture was taken of the Winners of the Tug of War at Ibrox Park on 1st September 1917.

Taking part - Bella Davidson, Meg Scott, Molly Simpson, Crissie MacDonald, Janet Martin, Susy Mackie, Mary Manson (my Great Aunt, from the Stoop, Longhope, South Walls) and Nell Munro, Captain. Mary Manson is in the middle of the picture with both feet firmly planted on the ground!

Can anyone give me more info regarding the Fire Patrol group. I am presuming this group of ladies came from South Walls and had all travelled to Glasgow to take part in this event.
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Picture added on 06 January 2010 at 11:57
Mary, as I have stated on your other photograph on this site I believe Mary was a police woman and would think the other members of her team seen here may have been in similar services. The names dont sound like they were from this Island and I can't think girls from Hoy would have travelled so far for such an event at that time.
Sinkie, Issac, and Mary were very well read and could speak on a wide range of subjects.
I would say that it was Issac that I knew best as he visited my inlaws at the Booth each sunday and they exchanged books and newspapers as was done in days gone by. He spoke a lot about the sea and ships.
Sinkie did not speak very clearly as I think he may have had something wrong with his palate but was not afraid to voice his strong opinion on any matter in public!!.
Mary was quiet and like her brothers very capable and well read and could turn her hand to anything.

Added by John Budge on 07 January 2010
John, tonight I looked through a small leather case brought back from Longhope by my parents following Aunt Mary's death in 1984. I was hoping to find a connection with the Police, but instead found a badge/buckle of the Glasgow Fire Brigade. It looks likely that Mary had moved away to Glasgow and probably only returned to the Stoop after the death of her parents in 1926 and 1927.
Other interesting finds included the Proclamation of Banns for her parents David and Betsy dated 1889, Isaac's membership of the People's Journal Sunbeam Club for the under 16's dated 1912 and Mary's Education Certificate of Merit dated 1908.
Added by Mary McGilvray on 13 January 2010
Those photos and comments bring back happy memories of time spent at the Stoop wae Mary and 'the boys' as well as at Seaberry with Jessie and Jimmy Manson - and Mrs Stoot at The Green. I also have the vaguest memories o' Bab o' Scartan - which in hid's day wid hiv been a lovely hoose on the cliff top just along fae Seaberry. Again, hat off tae this site for keeping the memories going!
Added by David Watters on 15 January 2010
David, perhaps you can help me with this?
Also found in the leather case - dogs tags (red & green) with the name S. Manson CAM HRS (Cameron Highlanders)?? It never occurred to me that Sinclair might have served in the army and wonder if the subject ever came up in any of your conversations.

In relation to the photograph of Aunt Mary taking part in the tug of war in Glasgow, I found a great studio photograph of the team marked S.F.F. Champion Tug-O-War Team 1917.
S.F.F (Scottish Fire ?? - that would tie in with the badge of the Glasgow Fire Brigade.

Isaac was in the merchant navy. Did he ever mention the name of his ship to you or where he travelled to?

Added by Mary McGilvray on 15 January 2010
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