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January 1981
Balfour Hospital Staff dance.

Picture added on 14 December 2009 at 12:12
For "John" Coulshed read FRANK and Mrs RUTH
Anonymous comment added on 18 December 2009
Back row. Marge Tinch then J .Rae
Sitting. Frank and Ruth Coulshed (just a small amendment,Phil)
Sitting. Frank and Ruth Coulshed (just a small amendment,Phil)
Added by Neil Johnstone on 18 December 2009
Could be Topsy Gorn next to Carol Celli
Added by W Watters on 18 December 2009
Definitely Gwen Watts next Carole Celli
Added by Neil Johnstone on 19 December 2009
Sylvia Barnett four to the right of Heather Gorn.
Mary Wylie is two to the right of her.Shirley Pirie is beside Sylvia Barnett. Brenda(Thomson)Harvey is beside Sylvia Leonard
Mary Wylie is two to the right of her.Shirley Pirie is beside Sylvia Barnett. Brenda(Thomson)Harvey is beside Sylvia Leonard
Anonymous comment added on 20 December 2009
Frank Coulshed, Ruth Coulshed.
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Added by Gillian Dearness, nee Coulshed on 26 March 2018
Back row L-R.Kathleen Reid,?,?,?,Jimmy Rae,Carol Celli,Gwen Watts.
2nd.row,L-R.Peter Cooper,Alec Shearer,Dinah Shearer,Phyllis Hartley,Mrs.Smith,Edmund Reid,?, Heather Gorn,?,Agnes Brown,Eleanor Robertson,Miss Cant.
Seated,L-R.Mrs.Cooper,John Flett,Mrs.Flett,John Coulshed,Mrs. Coulshed,John Robertson,Mrs Robertson, Mrs.Leonard,?. Added by Phil Brough.