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A do, 1955 date, estimated
front row 1st right Jocky Bews

Picture added on 03 December 2009 at 12:21
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Mystery places or things or people
Mystery places or things or people
Extreme right, Jim Taylor?
Added by Jim Corse on 03 December 2009
Would that be Masson Reid 4th left front row.and his wife 3rd left back row keeping her eye on him? Maybe Lindsay will put me right if I'm wrong.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 03 December 2009
Could be a doo held by the late D.G.Spence for his staff, some of the faces I see I ken worked for him
Added by Hazel on 03 December 2009
At a guess picture taken in the upstairs dining room of the Royal Hotel in Kirkwall.
Front 2nd from left D G Spence and forn 3rd right Rita Jamieson?
Front 2nd from left D G Spence and forn 3rd right Rita Jamieson?
Added by Alastair on 03 December 2009
Names Ist Back row ?Robertson
Front row 2nd right Mr Spence (Wideford farm) 4th right Masson Reid. Could this be a Party at Eastbank. Masson worked there?
Front row 2nd right Mr Spence (Wideford farm) 4th right Masson Reid. Could this be a Party at Eastbank. Masson worked there?
Added by Ian Carter on 03 December 2009
royal hotel staff doo the year aboot right
Added by Jim M on 03 December 2009
My in-laws are in this pic. Masson Reid(front row fourth left and Fernlith(back row third left). I'm pretty sure it's the Albert Hotel staff doo.
Added by Sheila Reid on 03 December 2009
Top,standing,L-R.Jocky Robertson,Edith Robertson,Fernith Reid,Donnie Sutherland,Fionie Drever,Tam Drever,Marion Eunson,Victor Anderson,Tyra Miller,Johan Tulloch,David Robertson,Mrs.Smith,Sheila Steven,Mr.Walker. Seated.? ?,D.G.Spence,? ?,Masson Reid, Peter Cormack,Mrs.Cormack,? ?,Jocky Bews. Maybe a forthcoming Wedding? Added by Phil Brough. d ,d
Anonymous comment added on 04 December 2009
I think this must a Royal Hotel doo.David Spence with staff. Jocky&Edith Robertson are far left.Edith worked at the Royal for years.
Added by Liz Firth on 04 December 2009
Back row 1st left Mr Robertson
Front Row 2nd left David Spence (Wideford Farm )
4th left Masson Reid. Copuld this be a party for Eastbank? Masson did work there, we both had the same date of birth.
Front Row 2nd left David Spence (Wideford Farm )
4th left Masson Reid. Copuld this be a party for Eastbank? Masson did work there, we both had the same date of birth.
Added by Ian Carter on 04 December 2009
This is the staff of the Royal and the Albert Hotels and is probably a "do" hosted by Davie Spence who, at that time, lived at the Royal. The lady sitting first left in the front row was Nellie (but I can't remember her surname) and she was manageress of the Albert Hotel. Angus Walker, standing beside Sheila Steven, was Woolworth's first manager here and he stayed at the Royal. Sheila was receptionist.
Right at the back, next to Sheila is, I think, Lyle Johnson.
Next to Fernlith Reid is Robin Reid, Masson's sister.
Right at the back, next to Sheila is, I think, Lyle Johnson.
Next to Fernlith Reid is Robin Reid, Masson's sister.
Added by Bertha Fiddler on 05 December 2009
Its the Royal Hotel I have played on that stage manys a time
Added by Jimmy Johnston on 05 December 2009
I've just remembered - Nellie's surname was Adams.
I think the date is a bit early. It must have been after 1958.
I think the date is a bit early. It must have been after 1958.
Added by Bertha Fiddler on 05 December 2009
Added by GEORGE HARRISON on 07 December 2009
This photo is in Images in Time Vol 3 by Norman Sinclair plus other photos of D.G.Spence staff
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Added by Russell Corsie on 10 December 2009