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Bleak building
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Bleak building

Taken at 8.30am on Monday 23rd October. Two weeks after work began the Black Building is no longer. Sunday 22nd was a busy day with work starting very early in the day and finishing after a full turn of the clock. Berstane Loan saw up to a dozen cars at a time parked alongside the road to get a close view for the last time. The last part of the demolition was quite a sight with the whole building swaying back and forth as sections of the steel frame were wrestled away by the claws of the unforgiving heavy plant machinery. At times there was an almighty rumble as large sections of the roof split and were left dangling over the remaining side of the building, held up only by the steel reinforcing rods throughout the concrete.

[Any pictures folks? Or video? Or stuff about this on YouTube?- Steven]
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Picture added on 23 November 2009 at 14:23
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Black Building
This is so tragic! Makes me angry and sad that its gone. Really going to miss it!
Bomb proof, but not OIC proof.
Added by Nicola Muir on 23 November 2009
I'm not one bit sad about it. The building was gutted and not worthy of repair. (check out some of the inside photos) The damage was done years ago. It's been an eyesore now for years and it'll be fine to see something new and refreshing in it's place. If the contents had been preserved then it should have remained but I back the council on this decision.
It doesn't matter what they call the area or replace it with, the area will still be referred to as the Black Building for years to come. Folk will still go for a walk around the Black Building and folk will still remember the torture of running around there at PE, Aaaargh!!!

Added by Bruce Moar on 24 November 2009
This must be the quickest demolition in Orkneys history. Is it a case of 'out of sight out of mind?
Added by Neil Johnstone on 24 November 2009
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