The Orkney Image Library
No: 22864 Contributor: Bill Miller Year: 1965
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Jimmy Stout's Fulmar with the late Garry Swanney fixing the sail. Phot taken mid sixties I think.
Picture added on 13 November 2009 at 15:32
As a young boy and living at Cromwell Road and later on at Ayre Houses, we were never away from the harbour. In the early days the Fulmar had a very distinctive engine noise, on bonnie weather you could hear her coming in Kirkwall Bay. She was in Kirkwall Basin once a week landing lobsters. Who built the Fulmar and who was it built for? Sad to say, the one owner who bought in Kirkwall did nothing for it, or with it. Added by Phil Brough.
Anonymous comment added on 13 November 2009
Bill, was that the same Fulmar that was in Stromness in the early 70s ?
Added by Stewart Taylor on 13 November 2009
Alan Pirie had a boat built by the Duncans boatyard in Burray jist efter the warr. He fished labsters wae her, she looked similar to the Fulmar.
Alan named her Sea Flower- she lies at the Smiddy Plantins below Melsetter and is owned be the Seatter family from Melsetter Farm .
Noo Alan Pirie had her laid oot in a strange way as in the 1950s fishermen in Orkney started to fish the 'Bush rope method' and he had a hauler fitted forard. There was a big opening window in the front o the wheelhoose and the creels were then passed back through the wheelhoose to be cleaned and baited ready for shooting.
I never saw this set up as it was all gone before she came to wur Island.
Does anyone remember the Sea Flower fishing in this way or am I jist spaakan a load o s**t !!.
I will try to get a photo o her althow I think there is one on this site maby by Willie Waters?.
Alan named her Sea Flower- she lies at the Smiddy Plantins below Melsetter and is owned be the Seatter family from Melsetter Farm .
Noo Alan Pirie had her laid oot in a strange way as in the 1950s fishermen in Orkney started to fish the 'Bush rope method' and he had a hauler fitted forard. There was a big opening window in the front o the wheelhoose and the creels were then passed back through the wheelhoose to be cleaned and baited ready for shooting.
I never saw this set up as it was all gone before she came to wur Island.
Does anyone remember the Sea Flower fishing in this way or am I jist spaakan a load o s**t !!.
I will try to get a photo o her althow I think there is one on this site maby by Willie Waters?.
Added by John Budge on 15 November 2009
The Fulmar was built in Scalloway by David Howarth for Robbie and Jimmy Stout of Stronsay. She was 24 feet long and had a Turner deisel engine which did make a lot of noise right enough Phil. An old Stronsay man said that you "saw her coming for a long time before she came in sight". She cost £630 to build and was brought down from Shetland on one of the North boats. She arrived on 11th May, 1949 and was launched off the Corn Slip in Kirkwall. As soon as they launched her they got something in the prop, and discovered that it was a sack of kittens that someone had drowned in the basin. A poor start for the boat eh. Robbie and Jimmy used her for creeling and boat hire for about 12 years, and sold her on. Johnno Deerness had her at one time, and put her ashore on one occasion causing a fair bit of damage. Your right Stewart, she did go around to the Stromness side later on, but what became of her, I don't know. David Howarth also built the Enterprise which the Costie brothers owned, and he also built the "Maid of Honour" which sailed out of Wick.
Added by Bill Miller on 16 November 2009
The same David Haworth was involved with the Shetland Bus and wrote the first book on the subject.
Anonymous comment added on 18 November 2009
Could it be the same boat Billy Seater from Burray had? Derek Sinclair had her at one time,Billy Johnston[ B J Motors] had her,she caught fire and sank in Scapa Flow.
Added by A Adamson on 21 November 2009
Many memories of football trips to Sanday and Eday in the Fulmer. Don't seem to have many memories about coming back though, can't think why.
Added by PRICE SINCLAIR on 28 March 2010
Anthony, Billy Seatter from Stromness is sure that this is the same boat as he owned. Bob Scott bought her from him. It was another Fulmar that Derek Sinclair owned and it was her that went on fire and sank off Houton.
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Added by Stewart Taylor on 29 March 2010