The Orkney Image Library
No: 22809 Contributor: Charlie Kemp Year: 2009
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Date 24/09/2009
This is only one of the rabbit’s warrens of rooms in the building. The photo doesn’t do it justice.
The Black Building looks big and impressive from the outside but you only get the real enormity of it from the inside when it’s all lit up.
Unfortunately the photos of the large two storey main area didn’t come out to well
Picture added on 04 November 2009 at 10:20
This picture is in the following groups
Black Building
Black Building
Having viewed all these pictures I think I must change my mind about saving this old warrior. It is surely time to put it out of its misery and give it a decent burial. It would be a lot cheaper than trying to revive it.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 04 November 2009
I agree Neil, the time has come to put an end to this saga. The building should have had something done with it 30 odd year ago, when things were a lot cheaper.
It may have still been in good condition if it had not been ripped to pieces all those years ago when the big doors were opened up. That I presume was when the weather got in the interior of the building started to disintegrate.
To spend a vast amount on the building now when there are so many things on hold due to the lack of capital from the council. No reason of course why all the people who want the building saved could not start a restoration fund, and when they have millions available, then they can save the old BB.
I know this is a bit of a political subject, but surely the best thing to do now after all these years it just put it all behind us and demolish.
It may have still been in good condition if it had not been ripped to pieces all those years ago when the big doors were opened up. That I presume was when the weather got in the interior of the building started to disintegrate.
To spend a vast amount on the building now when there are so many things on hold due to the lack of capital from the council. No reason of course why all the people who want the building saved could not start a restoration fund, and when they have millions available, then they can save the old BB.
I know this is a bit of a political subject, but surely the best thing to do now after all these years it just put it all behind us and demolish.
Added by Alastair on 06 November 2009
decent burial - you having a laugh? the council want rid and forget it was ever there. How a certain local businessman got away with bulldozing it in the first place is a joke. A fitting tribute would be to name the street or a plaque but I guarantee you nothing will happen just like 20 years ago!
Added by Magnus Tullock on 23 November 2009
Very true Magnus. But would they want even a plaque to remind them of their folly? I'm sure just the mention of 'Black Building' will cause many a flush for years to come.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 23 November 2009
How about calling it Sticky End. (In memory!!(not) of Gus Glue)
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Added by William Watters on 23 November 2009