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The Geo the Eynhallow landed those sheep from on Faray. 11/10/09
Picture added on 14 October 2009 at 11:12
Can't make sense of the caption Linda. Did you mean to say loaded instead of landed? Or at instead of from? One of your other pics seems to show the sheep being taken on board at a very similar place. Nice one anyway.
Added by Ian Hourston on 18 February 2012
My family are Drevers who lived at Windywall Faray. Your pictures of Faray are amazing. On a recent visit to Orkney we were unable to get to Faray due to heavy seas. Would I be able to buy copies of any of your pictures of Faray?
Added by Heather MacDougall on 01 June 2012
Excuse my butting-in ladies, but if Heather would be interested in any of my Fara(y) pics as well - just say the word (no charge). They include pucture #23914, picture #26211, picture #26315, and picture #26193 on this site, with others also available. None as ravishing as Linda's I'm afraid! picture #23914 might be particularly relevant.
Added by Ian Hourston on 03 June 2012
Thank you for your generous offer Ian. I would love to have any photo of Faray you feel would be appropriate. I really would like to cover your costs at least. So, how do we go about this? I didn't realise when I started my quest just how exciting it would be and just how helpful people would be.
Added by Heather MacDougall on 03 June 2012
How you and I go about it Heather depends on how you would like the pics - presumably either emails or prints (or both?). If you're not comfortable with putting your address details on OIL you could phone me (I'm in the book). STRICTLY NO charge; my pics mostly just lie there, pining for a good home. But do tell: are you related to the Drevers on that sad headstone? It would be nice to think a pic I took 15 years ago, simply because I was struck by the tragedy it tersely conveyed, had found its way to an 'interested party'.
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Added by Ian Hourston on 04 June 2012