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Back row: Stewart Crichton, Chris Park, Hazel Ritch, Lynn Hourston I think, or Belinda Taylor, , Gillian Sinclair, ? don't know, David Gray, James Pratt, Lindsey Eunson, Brian Wright

Second row down: Lesley Rendall, Fiona Ritch, Shona Thomson Keith Richmond, John Marwick, Colin Kirkpatrick, Dawn Stevenson,Sarah Johnston, Pat Cooper, Gary Malcolm, The three girls at the side are: Jacqui Muir, Cindy Sinclair and Sally Omand.

Third row down: David Ritch, Steven Heddle, Cheryl Clouston,Brian Watt, Tina Sinclair, Johnny Adamson,Duncan Heddle,Derek Yule.

Front row: Stephen Hutchison, Donald Sinclair, Gifford Leslie, Linda Towers, Karen Young, Yvonne Sinclair,?, Gladys Fraser.

A couple of question marks on this one.I found the 1969 photo easier to name. Hopefully you can help again Dawn.
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Picture added on 03 September 2009 at 23:51
Back Row: Iain Wilson
Front Row: Pat Spence
Added by Gladys Moir on 24 January 2010
Its Belinda Taylor not Lynne Hourston
Added by Cheryl Hewitt on 08 September 2010
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