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Papdale football team
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Papdale football team

1981 Primary school football winners
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Picture added on 15 January 2007
I wasn't sure where to put this question, so I thought here was as good as anywhere.
When I went to Papdale (in the days when it was plain ol' Kirkwall Primary) there were 4 houses - Sweyn, Einar and Erlend being the main 3, with Magnus in those years when there was a big intake (to the best of my memory).
I noted from the Papdale website that there are now 3 houses - E (which could be either Erlend or Einar), M (Magnus) and S (Sweyn). I presume they've gone for 3 with different initial letters, thus only one beginning with 'E'.
All of this works up to a question: does anyone know when they changed the system?
Added by Mike Dunster on 16 January 2007
Not sure when they phased out intial system, but the reintroduction of houses was brought in last year (2006) to promote a positive ethos for the school, and to develop a 'community spirit' within the school, thereby encouraging pupiils to behave in a responsible manner. A set of school rules has been drawn up, and there are reward/incentive schemes running to promote this too. If I've slipped up on this info (gleaned from my son in P5!) I'm sure someone will set me straight!
Added by Erika Copland on 17 January 2007
I have this photo somewhere in my attic too! If memory serves me right this was the first year of the Eric Kemp Shield for primary football. Papdale won of course! Is this shield still being played for?
Back row:Colin Wilson, Robert Walker, Roy Foubister, Andy Crossley, Kenny Flett, Ian Mowat
Front Row:Cameron Scott, Derek Low, Kevin Tait, Ian Robertson, ?Buchan, Dougie Ward

Added by Ian Robertson on 20 January 2007
As far as I know the shield is still played for. It was originally provided by Eric Kemp after being asked to help by Bob Gilmour (Snr) and Jim Leitch. Myself and Brian Budge were involved in the organisation of Primary Schools football for 15 years until about 4-5 yrs ago when we handed over the mantle to the OYDG who are doing a great job in organising football (in Orkney) for all those under 16yrs of age. All of the time I was involved in the schools football this particular competition had a number of rules attached (seven-a-side teams, players listed alphabetically, certain schools HAD to enter a specific number of teams, etc) to try and make it a more even competition for all schools - Papdale still won on many occassions!!
Added by John Foulis on 21 January 2007
The missing name is Raymond Buchan (who later changed his name to Kelday)
Added by Kevin Tait on 10 February 2007
In the early days Kirkwall Primary School was part of KGS, which also had the three house system, with an emphasis on competive sports. They became autonomous in the early seventies, and during that decade Papdale dropped Einar because of the confusion with two 'E's, as you suggested. The roll dropping by two hundred when Glaitness opened would also have been a factor.
However the initial system continued, but sports teams tend to be organised according to other criteria.
Added by Marlene Mainland on 05 March 2008
I remember the Houses going from 4 to 3 at Papdale Primary school, when I would have been in primary I had the teacher Mrs Francis, the class was 3 magnus, then when I moved into primary 4 it became 4 sweyn - this was when the classes reduced to 4 - because Galitness Primary school was built, and the classes were altered. Erland house used to often win sports day - unfortunately!! I remember in primary 7 - we always lost the football in sweyn - as our team was useless - and we only had 11 boys in the class - so they all had to be in the team regardless - some of us girls were better players!!!
Added by Susan Crossley on 03 August 2008
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