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Orkney v Faroe Islands
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Orkney v Faroe Islands

Both teams line up for a North Atlantic Cup match on 14th July 1968. The cup was valued at £150 when new and was donated by a Faroese businessman.

Photo courtesy of Ian Hutchison.
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Picture added on 12 August 2009
What sort of the surface was the match played on ? - it doesn't look like grass !
Added by Ian M Gibson on 17 August 2009
Ash? I'm sure someone will put me right if I'm wrong!
Added by Rae Slater on 17 August 2009
They played on a sand pitch. All pitches in the Faroes were sand pitches until 1986, when artificial grass was introduced in Tórshavn. Today all pitches have artificial grass. If you want to know more facts about this game (or other Faroes v Orkney games), you are welcome to write me on my email.
Added by Marni Mortensen on 02 January 2016
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