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No: 21222 Contributor: Erlend STOUT Year: 1957
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Erlend Stout RAF Seletar Singapore Block B
Picture added on 29 June 2009
Erlend, i see what you were when young
Added by Jennifer Rowley on 09 May 2010
Just came across this. I was Senior Medical Officer, RAF Seletar 1968-69. At least two other Orcadians were serving there at that time. If memory serves, their surnames were Norquoy (or Norquay) and Skea. Personnel were often identified by the last three digits of their personal number plus their surname. Believe it or not, there was a 007 Bond there in my time. (Also a Sergeant Sargent. His name always put me in mind of the old yarn about the Army squaddie who approached his senior officer with a request to be promoted, only to be told, "Look here, Parts. You need a better reason than THAT to be a Lance-corporal!)
At one time, Seletar was the RAF's biggest station. When I arrived, there were 14,000 people on our 'list' (including families and locally-engaged employees) and 9 MOs. The latter were Alan McLachlan, Ian McGibbon, Ian McKee, Ian Smith, Lewis Mackay, Chris McCluskey, Ian Hourston, plus two who were neither Ian nor Mac: Murray Carmichael and (the only non-Scot) Roy Harris. To compensate for his non-Scottishness, Roy could recite 'Tam o' Shanter' from start to finish and loved Burns Nights. And his surname sat well alongside Lewis Mackay's first name.
At one time, Seletar was the RAF's biggest station. When I arrived, there were 14,000 people on our 'list' (including families and locally-engaged employees) and 9 MOs. The latter were Alan McLachlan, Ian McGibbon, Ian McKee, Ian Smith, Lewis Mackay, Chris McCluskey, Ian Hourston, plus two who were neither Ian nor Mac: Murray Carmichael and (the only non-Scot) Roy Harris. To compensate for his non-Scottishness, Roy could recite 'Tam o' Shanter' from start to finish and loved Burns Nights. And his surname sat well alongside Lewis Mackay's first name.
Added by Ian Hourston on 12 July 2012
Ian, I was in Singapore from '66-'68 (never saw you) in the Army stationed at Tanjong Berlayer.
I flew out of RAF Seleter once on my way to Borneo.in of all things a Hastings aircraft, when the exit door was shut there would still have been room to get out, drafty?
You mentioned other Orcadians at Seleter, by the way, Erland Stout,picture, and I went to school together.
During a busy day on our landing craft I burnt my hand and had to go to see the M.O. He was on leave so a lady locum was in his place. On attending to my burn she asked me where I came from. I said Orkney, she replied " I ken that bit whare aboots". She was from Stenness but with the passage ot time I can't remember her name.
Peedie world really.
I flew out of RAF Seleter once on my way to Borneo.in of all things a Hastings aircraft, when the exit door was shut there would still have been room to get out, drafty?
You mentioned other Orcadians at Seleter, by the way, Erland Stout,picture, and I went to school together.
During a busy day on our landing craft I burnt my hand and had to go to see the M.O. He was on leave so a lady locum was in his place. On attending to my burn she asked me where I came from. I said Orkney, she replied " I ken that bit whare aboots". She was from Stenness but with the passage ot time I can't remember her name.
Peedie world really.
Added by Price Sinclair on 15 July 2012
The lady doctor who treated your hand Price would have been the late Dr Jessie Bond whose husband was a Lt-Col (I think) in the Army Education Corps in S'pore at the time. She was originally from Cummaness, Stenness. The experiences she had in her long and active life would have made a fascinating book, but as far as I know she never wrote them down. (Possibly your burnt hand wouldn't quite have made its way into the book anyway.) Florrie Tait (as was), the ballet teacher and examiner, was also in S'pore then.
Added by Ian Hourston on 19 July 2012
Thank you for the information, Dr Jessie Bond, I couldn't remember her name. I agree, a burnt hand, no matter how painful, would be a pretty pathetic story. As for Florrie Tait, I knew her to speak to but, as I couldn't tell the difference between a pirouette and the highland fling anything beyond "Hello" was ambitious.
Added by Price Sinclair on 26 July 2012
Just a note to say two more Orcadians were serving at RAF Seleter from 67 untill late 69, There was Roger Schollay and myself, both sac's on 15 field sqdn, RAF Regiment.
Added by Ron Birnie on 23 September 2012
Ron, was your CO Sqn Ldr George Stockdale (a great mate of mine, before you say anything bad about him - he used to get in enough trouble from the then Stn Cdr, Gp Capt Tom Hutton)? Being rockapes, you and Roger would have been too tough to need any treatment from me; I'm afraid I can't remember if our paths ever crossed. Best regards anyway.
Added by Ian Hourston on 24 September 2012
Ian, yes indeed our CO was George Stockdale, and I certainly couldn't say anything bad about him, he really enjoyed his role as 15 Sqd CO and always led from the front.
I was his signaler for a year or so and spent a fair amount of time in the jungle with him and two others doing recce for future sqdn exercises, he enjoyed the jungle.
I also can't remember if our paths ever crossed although it is possible as I managed to pick up a bout of dysentery while on one jungle exercise and was flown back to Seleter where I spent three weeks in sick bay.
I didn't hear any more of George Stockdale until recently when another ex Rock told me that he was no longer with us, I would appreciate any further information on what or how he died. I do know that he made Gp Capt at Rheindahlen but thats it.
I was his signaler for a year or so and spent a fair amount of time in the jungle with him and two others doing recce for future sqdn exercises, he enjoyed the jungle.
I also can't remember if our paths ever crossed although it is possible as I managed to pick up a bout of dysentery while on one jungle exercise and was flown back to Seleter where I spent three weeks in sick bay.
I didn't hear any more of George Stockdale until recently when another ex Rock told me that he was no longer with us, I would appreciate any further information on what or how he died. I do know that he made Gp Capt at Rheindahlen but thats it.
Added by Ron Birnie on 26 September 2012
Ron, George Stockdale died of leukaemia 20-odd years ago, without many years of civilian life (working for a defence-related company) under his belt. He and his wife Ann had a holiday with us here in, I think, his last year of life. A highlight of that was a short stay in Rackwick. If I can find it - and Steven will allow it - I'll post a photo from that time. In S'pore he used to refer to himself as being 'in pole position again', but he didn't mean on a GP starting-grid; he meant on the Station Commander's carpet of a Monday morning, where he would give Tom Hutton a very severe listening-to over some percieved misdemeanour (usually bending Queen's Regulations in favour of common sense, as far as I could make out - which the preface to QRs themselves encourages officers to do). Before Rheindahlen, he was OC 37 (Rapier) Squadron at RAF Brueggen. When not leading you guys from the front, he was often leading his family (wife + 4) and mine (wife + me + 3) on long-weekend camping trips in his beloved jungle. Terrific experience for us all!
Added by Ian Hourston on 03 October 2012
I've found a pic of Geo & Ann Stockdale at Rackwick but can't lay my hands on the neg. I'll submit a scan of the print.
Added by Ian Hourston on 03 October 2012
Ian,I remember you and the other docs well.Am now enjoying retirement in beautiful Victoria BC.I hope life is treating you well-Lewis
Added by Lewis Mackay on 09 February 2014
Great to hear from you Lewis! How on earth did you stumble onto this site (not that it isn't deservedly famous of course)? I'm still in Christmas card contact with Ian McKee and Roy Harris as I totter along reasonably fit and well but a widower these past 15 years.
Remember how we joked about not being allowed to be an MO at Seletar unless you were a Scot or an Ian or a Mac, preferably all three; failing that, you could be Harris to go with Lewis (an Outer Hebridean 'joke' there)?
Best wishes.
Remember how we joked about not being allowed to be an MO at Seletar unless you were a Scot or an Ian or a Mac, preferably all three; failing that, you could be Harris to go with Lewis (an Outer Hebridean 'joke' there)?
Best wishes.
Added by Ian Hourston on 11 February 2014
My father, Gordon H. Stuart, was MO at Seletar in the mid 1930's. He met his wife in S'pore (daughter of the Resident Engineer at the construction of Kallang Aerodrome) and after the war served in BCOF in Japan. He retired as a Group Captain in 1966 & died in 1999.
Added by Colin Stuart. on 18 February 2016
Colin, if your Dad retired from the RAF in 1966, he and I overlapped in the Service for some 9 years but I don't think we ever met. Do you know what posts he held in his last few years in the RAF?
Added by Ian Hourston on 03 March 2016
The Roger Schollay mentioned, any contact with him since? Worked with a RS in mineral exploration in Western Australia from about 1970 thru into 1980s then lost contact with him.
Added by Terry McMahon on 02 February 2017
I've had a note from OIL drawing my attention to your query Terry, but since I didn't meet Roger Schollay back then, and we haven't met more recently, I can't help. Hopefully, Ron Birnie can.
(The spelling SCHOLLAY does exist, or has existed in the past, but the local phonebook has just SCOLLAY and SCOLLIE.)
(The spelling SCHOLLAY does exist, or has existed in the past, but the local phonebook has just SCOLLAY and SCOLLIE.)
Added by Ian Hourston on 06 February 2017
Worked with Roger Schollay in the goldfields 1969 70 in W.A lost contact with him but remember him well for his humour and lilting Orkney accent...a great guy.
Added by Murray Sharp. on 31 March 2017
Difficult not to call you sir when the last time we met was when you were SMO at West Raynham and l a lowly SAC. I am still in regular contact with Mick Knowles and we both remember our National Service days recounting them to our patient wives times without number! Glad to know that you seemed to have enjoyed your service life too. Have you returned to Orkney?
Best regards from SAC Knowles and myself.
Best regards from SAC Knowles and myself.
Added by F on 30 April 2021
I am Phyllis Maclachlan widow of Allan Maclachlan who was SMO at Seletar until July 1968. We lived at 3 The Oval. Allan passed away in April 2005. All the MO’s in his time were Scots except Ian (Mac) Smith !
Added by Phyllis Maclachlan on 13 September 2021
Some of these names very familiar. I am Julia now Brown, Tom Hutton my father, was married briefly to Chris Feek,
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Added by Julia brown on 06 October 2024