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Kirkwall Sailor
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Kirkwall Sailor

This well known yachtsman in his younger days he was connected with the Sirius and Jackie R
Picture added on 05 June 2009
Alastair Kirkpatrick, nobody could sail a boat like him. Sirius was the name of his "Snipe". Along with Alfie Flett and the "Viking" they must have won a lot of Prizes. Aly is a first Cousin of mine. Not only that he built his own boat. Home built, as were most of the rest of the Snipes in Holm.
Added by Phil Brough on 08 June 2009
Aly was one of my mates when i lived in Kirkwall I also built a Snipe in the loft the Girnel. It was named Orion. I sold it to Ormlie Lodge S.C in Thurso
Added by Erlend Stout on 09 June 2009
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