The Orkney Image Library
No: 19051 Contributor: Colin Cooper Year: 1955
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I think this would have been the day the Stronsay Lifeboat was named.Lots of weel kent faces.

Picture added on 27 March 2009
Yes, a lot 'o weel kent faces. But who's the handsome young gentleman, back, left?
Added by Betty Miller on 29 March 2009
That's my uncle, Tom Carter, the coxwain at bottom right. I was able to pick out cousins "Doy" Stout, Rita (Stout) Fotheringham, Olga Stout and her husband Colin Cooper in the background top left and my Auntie Agg Stout. If I study it long eneough, I'm sure other faces will become familiar. A page in history for sure.
Added by Freda Jackson on 29 March 2009
Hi Freda Tom Carter is in the back row next to Olga, he was the harbourmaster. Then standing next to Doy on right is David Rendall, Thelma's hubby. Bottom right is Sidney Swannie the lifeboat engineer. On the front row 2nd left is Anne Peace my ex wife next to Jim Fiddler & Karen stronsay post office.
Added by Erlend Stout on 01 April 2009
Hi Erlend, you are right of course. I can see that is Sidney in the front. I would not have known Anne Peace until you pointed her out. Hope you are well.
Added by Freda Jackson on 05 April 2009
I don’t think that this is the day the boat was named. All the celebrations were on the new pier. Also the engineer, Sidney, and the Cox, Tom Carter, are not on the boat. Could it be the Queens visit.
Added by Michael Rendall on 27 April 2009
This was the day the lifeboat was named. The crowd on the pier were saying goodbye to all the visitors and guests who were leaving on the Thorfinn or Sigurd, I forget which . The picture was taken by somebody on the steamer
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Added by Jim Cooper on 28 April 2009