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London Airport, Eday, as it is today
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London Airport, Eday, as it is today

Peter writes:
"This picture taken in August this year by a very close relative, showing a few minor changes."
Picture added on 01 November 2006
Why is it called London Airport?
Added by Curious on 01 November 2006
It's called London Airport because the bay next to it is called London Bay.
Added by on 01 November 2006
It's called London Airport because to the east of it is the Bay of London.
Added by Laurence J.E. Tait on 01 November 2006
Thanks for the replies. I just thought it a bit odd, but it makes sense now if there is a London Bay. Why is the Bay called London??? (Only joking!!)
Added by Curious on 02 November 2006
When this airstrip was opened a pack of journalists flew from London Heathrow to London Eday about 1971.
Added by William Watters on 06 November 2006
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