The Orkney Image Library
No: 17993 Contributor: Sylvia Leonard Year: 2009
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Suggestions anyone? Washed ashore in a gale last year. Found on the Carness Shore.
Picture added on 25 February 2009
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Mystery places or things or people
Mystery places or things or people
Part of a handrail from a fishfarm.
Added by Stewart Taylor on 26 February 2009
Parts of salmon cage frames
Anonymous comment added on 26 February 2009
The long pipe is a handrail, the four big 'eyes' take two large pipes which forms the circular base of a salmon cage, it's lying on its side .
Added by John on 26 February 2009
It's the scows of a salmon cage.
Added by Lee Thomson on 26 February 2009
Part of the framework from a salmon cage.
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Added by James Dickinson on 26 February 2009