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KGS Choir
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KGS Choir

Circa 1968. School Choir in Paterson [East] Kirk.
Anyone brave enough to name us all?

[What happened to the organ when the kirk became the OIC reception? - Steven]
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Picture added on 05 February 2009
Is it no in the King street Kirk?
Added by B.Moar on 07 February 2009
The organ and pipes were sold to the monks on Papa Stronsay and I understand that they were going to be restored but I can't tell you what happened to them after that. Perhaps someone in Stronsay can elaborate on that?
Added by Rob Miller on 07 February 2009
School Choir? Jings, you kept that one quiet Rob!
Added by Sumteeik on 08 February 2009
Ruth Miller (Muir) right end of second front row. Whaar thoo hidan Rob ?
Added by Bill Miller on 08 February 2009
East Kirk, i was there
Added by Graham Wylie on 08 February 2009
It's definately the East Church or the Paterson Church as it would have been then.I cleaned that pews many a time as my Dad was the church officer. My job was to put the no's in the psalm & hymn boxes. The East Church was light wood and blue velvet-like material at the pulpit whilst the King Street was dark mahogany type wood with red velvet. I think we also used the King Street for the older Sunday School with the younger ones staying up in the hall at the East Kirk.
Anonymous comment added on 09 February 2009
The organ's in the King Street Halls I'm sure.
Anonymous comment added on 09 February 2009
The Paterson Church and the minister was Mr Parkinson. Mr Mitchell the music teacher. Spotted you Rob - from the right, fifth row, fourth in! Super to see all your faces. I'm second row from the right sitting next to the organ. Dig the hair!
Added by Barbara on 09 February 2009
I was meaning is the organ no in the King Street Kirk now?
Added by B.Moar on 09 February 2009
Correct Barbara - long time no see! And there's your answer Bill!
If you could sing like me then you would keep it quiet too Sumteeik!
I have it on good authority that the organ was bought by the monks - any input there Bill?
Added by Rob Miller on 09 February 2009
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