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Ba The late 50s
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Ba The late 50s

Picture taken in late 1950s. Douglas Campbell winner of New Years Ba (1959) is seen wearing the beret.
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Picture added on 02 February 2009
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The Ba
There's a few weel kent folk in this photo...
Walter Muir is back on to the gate with his thumb up. In front of Douglas Campbell looking at the camera looks like Davie Fox. Bottom right with the side parting could be Matty Stephen. The young lad at the right of the gate could be a young Jack Rendall. I think I see Billy and maybe Cliffy Stephen in there too. Some of the more 'senior' contributors may be able to add more.
Added by Bruce Moar on 05 February 2009
Above Matty Stephen is Ronnie Drever, Andrew Thomson (white hair) and a young Norn Donaldson? On front of Jack Rendall could that be James Kelday, Uppie, who won the Christmas Day 1956 men's Ba? To the left of Davy Fox looks like George (Dooie) Craigie and behind him a young Dave Johnston. On Dave's left next to Douglas Campbell could be Dan Grieve?
Added by Raymond Grieve on 07 February 2009
Raymond's correct wi Dan Grieve. I recognise other heads as weel but I'll need tae think awhiles.
Added by John Schollay on 10 February 2009
Aye, that's Dan alright. Is that no' Bert Grieve at Jack Rendall's left shoulder? Dave? Sinclair top right of picture. I know the face of the bloke that looks like he's taking a bite of someone's forearm (in front of Mattie Stephen) but the name escapes me.
Added by Fred Grieve on 12 February 2009
Between James Kelday and Andrew Thomson could that be Jacko Monkman? Fred the face your asking about looks like Jeemsie Drever the fish man to me?
Added by Raymond Grieve on 15 February 2009
Your right Fred that looks like my uncle Bertie Grieve, he would have been a young chap of about 34 back then.
Added by Beryl Simpson on 17 February 2009
i think ray is right again wi jeemsie drever, i seem tae mind me faither sayin aboot hoo weeked he wis in the ba, although he didna stay in for long. could the bowl cut hair next tae mattie no be the bullit, (son of the gunner)?
Added by John Schollay on 17 February 2009
Fred. The person in front of Mattie Stephen and facing the camera is Matta Fox. Is that Evan Macgillivray standing at the back with his fore-finger at his mouth!?
Added by Lex on 19 February 2009
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