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I know that a lot of orkneycommunities devotees like boat pictures so here is one I made earlier. This is fron a black & white square negative. I coloured it in on the computer a year or two ago. No doubt someone will know the car and van owners. The van may not have been green, I just thought it looked good in that colour!
I think it may be Tommy Reid and son standing over at the right of the picture. Ian Cameron.
Picture added on 19 November 2008
Fantastic photo Ian.
Added by Barbara on 22 November 2008
This brought back lots of memories for me.Used to live on Eday while my Dad help to build the school.My name was L.Bryant then.
Added by Lynda Bryant on 28 August 2009
I was 5 when this was taken, I think the car belonged to Jeemie Byers from Carrick and the van was Billy Gray`s, fisherman from Schoolplace.
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Added by Ian Tulloch. on 01 July 2012