The Orkney Image Library
No: 15362 Contributor: Bill Sinclair Year: 1911
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Picture added on 18 November 2008
That's no the "Ola" Bill. I think it is probably one of the Langlands ships
Added by Fred Johnston on 22 November 2008
I've changed my mind on this one again Bill. I think she is the Pole Star(1), which used to lie at anchor at the Holms before the pier was built. I think we can rule out the Langland ships, as they had a black funnel with two white bands.
Added by Fred Johnston on 10 December 2008
Just had a look at a photo of the Pole Star(1) in the Stromness museum and I am quite sure that she is the same ship as the one above.
Added by Fred Johnston on 10 December 2008
Thank you for that information, Fred.
Added by Bill Sinclair on 11 December 2008